In an effort to get to know each other, trust each other, and inspire each other a little for the next creative writing piece, I'd like you to take a little risk and post five things that you'd like other people in the class to know about you. The quirkier/more unique and personal, the better. Here are my five:
1. I am a terrible sport and throw a fit when I lose--especially when it comes to board and card games.
2. I have a phobia of people throwing up.
3. I like to watch one rerun of "Scrubs" before going to bed because I find it relaxing.
4. Sometimes I'd rather curl up in bed and read a book than go out and socialize. I would have never admitted this in high school because I used to think that it made me a dork. Now I'm automatically a dork because I'm old and a teacher, so I don't really care.
5. I spent three hours last night taking care of my very sick grandmother, who is currently having hallucinations. It was scary.
Your turn.